Thank you for your correspondence about the General Dental Council’s (GDC’s) annual retention fee.
As your correspondence raised issues relating to healthcare, it has been passed to the Department of Health and I have been asked to reply.
The GDC is an independent body and, therefore, it is for the GDC to determine the level of the annual fee it charges for registration.
The proposed fee increase is subject to public consultation where the GDC’s case will be scrutinised.
The Department of Health does not usually contribute to such consultations.
However, all professional regulators, including the GDC, are aware the department would not expect registration fees to increase beyond their current levels, unless there is a clear business case that any increase is essential to ensure the exercise of statutory duties.
The GDC’s consultation opened on 30 June and is due to close on 4 September.
GDC registrants and other interested parties are encouraged to contribute their views to the consultation, which can be accessed at the following link: .
I also note your concerns about the performance and management of the GDC.
As it is an independent organisation, you may wish to raise your concerns with the GDC direct as it is best placed to respond.
I hope this reply is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Hall
Ministerial correspondence and public enquiries
Department of Health.
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