What is Styleitaliano?
The Styleitaliano recipe for daily successful dentistry is feasible, teachable and repeatable.
The Styleitaliano movement began with a meeting of great minds. Dr Walter Devoto and Professor Angelo Putignano, both of whom are worldwide recognised experts in conservative and aesthetic dentistry, came together to create a simple, predictable and unbiased approach to dentistry that, in its evolution, is helping over 11,000 clinicians across the globe deliver great dentistry on a daily basis.
Operative dentistry with aesthetic materials, composite and ceramics, is one of the most interesting and thrilling subjects in congresses and debates between professionals. The Styleitaliano team (pictured) is particularly passionate, using their artistic skills, pride, quality and class to produce unrivalled results.
In everyday dentistry we meet clinicians who are sometimes confused, those who celebrate opportunities and some who remark their own capacity to obtain outstanding results. Styleitaliano believes that the modern dentist needs clear and precise ideas and practical suggestions to face their own daily challenges in their own dental chairs.
These are the keywords of its mission:
- Feasible: materials found on the market are the ingredients of daily work. We, as experts, can provide a recipe for the dentist, or in other words, how to use and mix these ingredients perfectly in order to obtain high quality dentistry without confusion. Our attempts are not focused on suggesting materials, but to offer an independent vision and understanding of their usage, comparing our experience with traditional methods and pointing our tips and tricks. Many different companies are listening to our approach and proposals, and have welcomed, accepted and supported our work programs. This gives us a feeling of great pride
- Teachable: every week we are busy teaching dentistry in some corner of the world. We do it with passion, ensuring that what we teach is inspiring and appropriate to the individual needs of the group, enabling them to offer the best to their own patients. If a technique or method is not fully understandable, then it is not useful. We are constantly working to overcome problems and create solutions stemming from ideas both big and small, exceeding 20 years of professional experience and teaching at all levels – all to make life simpler
- Repeatable: the techniques, ideas and suggestions we teach must be useful to everyone and from the beginning we realised that the power of the group is sharing. That’s why Styleitaliano is a team that discusses face to face and shares engaging and exciting experiences.
Our website www.styleitaliano.org and our Facebook platforms www.facebook.com/styleitaliano and www.facebook.com/groups/styleitaliano are one of the most followed communities in the world.
Dr Jon Swarbrigg BDS, says: ‘If you are interested in bonded dentistry then Styleitaliano is the group to follow. The whole ethos of Styleitaliano is about delivering high quality minimal invasive aesthetic dentistry. Work you would feel happy having done in your own mouth.’
Styleitaliano is interactive. Every week we publish news, articles, case studies and encourage everyone to exhibit their own work in our community page.
This year we have launched the Styleworld program: we have identified colleagues from around the world that are ambassadors of our philosophy and style, speaking a common language constructed from friendship, sharing, recipies, innovations, simplicity, technology, art, passion, dedication and longevity.
Dr Bob McLelland is the first UK ambassador for Styleitaliano. He said: ‘When Styleitaliano invited me to join its aesthetic conference earlier this year I was honoured to be welcomed by some of the worlds leading clinicians.
‘This professional group offer a clinicaly led development of products that are completely independent and extremely innovative.
‘Styleitaliano is a world wide communication that has a philosophy for sharing clinical knowledge and it is with pride that I accepted the position of ambassador and look forward to continuing its methods within the UK profession.’
Optident is renowned for its contribution and commitment to innovation and education in dentistry. Quality has always been at the core of its philosophy and the company has always endeavored to maintain high principles and deliver high quality materials backed up by science and research.
It is with those values in mind that Optident was chosen to be one of the main support partners for Styleitaliano in the UK.
Along with Henry Schein and 3M Espe, Optident is supporting the launch of Styleitaliano on Friday 26 September 2014 at The Intercontinental Hotel, Park Lane, London. Seminar fee £175 + VAT with an early bird price of £140 + VAT if booked before 25 August 2014.
Availability is limited, so to secure your booking please call 01943 604400 or email [email protected].
Angelo Putignano is professor of restorative dentistry, school of dentistry polytechnic University of Marche, Italy. He has an MD degree and DDS post-graduate certificate from the University of Ancona, Italy. He is head of operative dentistry and endodontics at the school of dentistry polytechnic, University of Marche, Italy. He is also dean of the school of dental hygiene at Marche. He runs a private practice limited to restorative dentistry in Ancona, Italy.
Walter Devoto DDS, graduated in dentistry at the University of Genoa, 1991, with a first class honours. He is a visiting lecturer in aesthetic dentistry at the University of Siena, Italy and the University of Marseilles and Barcelona, Spain. He is a founding member of the Italian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, founding member of the Styleitaliano Study Club and currently in private practice in Sestri Levante and Portofino (Genoa),Italy.