Practice Plan has developed a comprehensive and easy-to-use resource library that is packed with articles, hints, tips and advice designed specifically to help you tackle the issues affecting the practice you work in and provide education in the areas you need – all for free.
The information is easy to access too.
All articles are simple to navigate and categorised into easy to find sections like: marketing advice, staff management and employment law, financial advice, and strategy and planning.
So if you know what you're after, you'll find it quickly and also come across things you didn't realise you needed to know – who knows, you might just find something that encourages you to take action on a project that you’ve been meaning to get around to for a while.
So, if you need a bit of advice on the benefits of breaking down the cost of treatment, defining what you want out of practice life, understand why implementing key performance indicators is important to your practice, get some tips on how to give negative feedback to an employee or how to deal with that employee who is always late – it's all there.
This online resource is available day and night, so you can access it whenever and wherever suits you best.
It 's also designed to be inspirational and educational, so you can find ways to take your practice forward and get hold of the information you need, without the hassle or cost of a day out of the practice on a course.
What's more, it's updated regularly with new information and hot topics, so it's always worth popping back to see what's new.
To access Practice Plan's Resource Library, just go to, register for free and explore.