It’s a new year and by now you’ve probably already broken your resolutions, so here at Dentistry magazine we’ve got an idea for you. Why not show the people who most inspire you how important they are by voting for them in our Top 50 poll?
Now in its eighth year, no doubt you know the score by now. The readers of Dentistry and visitors of are invited to vote for the people in the UK dental profession who they feel are the most influential.
This year is slightly different, instead of selecting 10 people we just want you to pick your top 5. You may wish to vote for your boss, a valued team member, respected academics, prominent association leaders, important political figures, astute media analysts, it’s entirely up to you.
Once all the votes are in, we’ll count them up and then reveal the 50 people who received the most nominations.
Last year, well-known cosmetic dentist James Goolnik made in two in a row! The former president of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and principal of the much-heralded Bow Lane Dental Group, was your number one. But who will it be in 2013? Will James hold on to his title or will we see a new face at the top of the list? The ladies have been making their way towards the leading position, will 2013 see our first female crowned at the number one spot?
It’s up to YOU
As in previous years, we have provided a list of suggested names you may want to consider when deciding who gets your vote. This is just to get your imagination going, as always, this poll is about voting for those who inspire you, whether they’re on the list or not.
This poll is open to all readers of Dentistry magazine and users of You can vote by clicking here.
The deadline for all votes is Friday 8 March 2013. No votes received after this date, either postal or online, will be counted.
Last year we spiced things up by adding a ‘lifetime contribution’ vote. We’re continuing this for 2013, allowing you to give some recognition to the person you feel has made the most significant contribution to UK dentistry.
It can be someone still practising, retired or even no longer with us. It can also be someone you have voted for in the regular Top 50 nominations. But it must be just one name.
Who will you pick? An inventor whose product you just can’t practise without? A pioneering practitioner or daring visionary who was ahead of their time? A groundbreaking figure that revolutionised working practices, conditions or regulations? Or even someone whose contribution to the profession or industry you feel has not been given enough credit over the years?
This is just a sideline to our annual Top 50 poll, and is separate to the main event. The name of the person who receives the most votes will be revealed in the same issue as our Top 50 list.
Here are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing, as always, you are free to vote for the people who most inspire you – whether they’re on this list or not.
Hazel Adams
Saaqib Ali
Martyn Amsell
Steven Anderson
Mark Atkinson
Ed Attenborough
Ruby Austin
Brian Avery
Paul Baker
Nasser Barghi
Chris Barrow
Paul Batchelor
Peter Bateman
Raman Bedi
Meredyth Bell
Tracey Bell
Nick Benger
Ian Benington
Phil Bennett
Paul Beresford
John Besford
Bhavin Bhatt
David Bloom
Ed Bonner
Tim Bradstock-Smith
Per-Ingvar Branemark
Peter Briggs
Sue Bruckel
Paul Brunton
Stephen Buchanan
Ian Buckle
Jason Buglass
Trevor Burke
Andy Burnham
Simon Burns
Paul Burstow
Steve Byfield
David Cameron
Julian Caplan
Nigel Carter
Sally Chadwick
Wyman Chan
Gerard Chiche
John Chope
Gordon Christensen
Janet Clarke
Barry Cockcroft
Anthony Colwyn
Mhari Coxon
John Cranham
Eddie Crouch
Bob Cummings
Simon Cunnington
Andrew Dawood
Jennifer de St Georges
Clive Debenham
Nick Dilworth
Nicola Docherty
Robert Donald
William Dorfman
Rahul Doshi
Chris Drinkwater
Mervyn Druian
John Drummond
Paul Dummer
David Dunlop
Andrew Eder
Lester Ellman
Julian English
Newton Fahl
Martin Fallowfield
Koray Feran
Charles Ferber
Ken Finlayson
Brian Franks
George Freedman
Philip Friel
Peter Galgut
Simon Gambold
Stephen Gates
Amarjit Gill
Evlynne Gilvarry
James Goolnik
Edgar Gordon
Sally Goss
Andrew Gould
Mike Gow
Malcolm Grant
Ken Green
Sue Greening
Linda Greenwall
Sue Gregory
Tony Griffin
Galip Gurel
Elaine Halley
Stephen Hancocks
Stuart Harding
Kathryn Harley
Mark Haswell
Van Haywood
John Healey
Sarah Hepburn
Roy Higson
John Hobkirk
Simon Hocken
Frank Holloway
Sara Holmes
Rupert Hoppenbrouwers
David Hornbrook
Laura Horton
David Houston
Earl Howe
David Hudaly
James Hull
Judith Husband
Gertrude Huss
Ian Jackson
Tony Jacobs
Ken James
Cathy Jameson
Gareth Jenkins
Stuart Johnston
Les Jones
Steve Jones
Dipak Joshi
Krishan Joshi
Vinod Joshi
Arjun Kachhala
Zaki Kanaan
Liz Kay
Chris Kettler
Wakkas Khan
Bob Khanna
Fazeela Khan-Osborne
Tony Kilcoyne
George Kirtley
David Klaff
Nigel Knott
Peter Kurer
Russ Ladwa
Laurence Lando
John Langford
Payman Langroudi
Andrew Lansley
Nick Ledingham
Roger Levin
Kevin Lewis
Philip Lewis
John Lowry
Chris Lucas
Paddi Lund
Brian Lux
Edward Lynch
Anoop Maini
Stanley Malamed
Amjad Malik
Moona Malik
Tidu Mankoo
Mike Martin
Hew Mathewson
Roger Matthews
Martin Mayhew
Rob McAndrew
Angie McBain
Ian McIntyre
Paul Mendlesohn
Martin Mills
John Milne
Anne Milton
Sia Mirfendereski
Carl Misch
Basil Mizrahi
Steve Moulder
Richard Mounce
Mike Mulcahy
Ross Nash
Ian Needleman
Jamie Newlands
Philip Newsome
Tim Newton
Hien Ngo
David Nicholson
Martin Nimmo
Michael Norton
Kevin O’Brien
Mike O’Brien
Christopher Orr
Siobhan Owen
Ashish Parmar
Nilesh Parmar
Amit Patel
Ellis Paul
Ian Peace
Keith Pearson
Matthew Perkins
Julian Perry
David Phillips
Shameek Popat
Stephen Porter
Barry Posner
Chris Potts
Melonie Prebble
Geoff Pullen
Tif Qureshi
Attiq Rahman
Raj Rattan
Omer Reed
Tony Reed
Juliette Reeves
John Renshaw
Joe Rich
Nigel Risner
Ron Ritsco
Shona Robison
Derry Rogers
Kevin Rose
Larry Rosenthal
Margaret Ross
Gary Rowland
Nicki Rowland
Clifford Ruddle
James Russell
Susie Sanderson
Jonathan Sandler
Nigel Saynor
Edwin Scher
Brian Schottlander
Crispian Scully
Lloyd Searson
Gurs Sehmi
Derek Setchell
Ashok Sethi
Margaret Seward
Seema Sharma
Harry Shiers
Harris Sidelsky
Amolak Singh
Nik Sisodia
Quentin Skinner
Mabel Slater
Jason Smithson
Kish Soneji
Frank Spear
Howard Stean
Jimmy Steele
Chris Stock
Paul Stone
Nicola Sturgeon
Alan Suggett
Joe Sullivan
Pam Swain
Russell Tant
Dennis Tarnow
Hilt Tatum
Jill Taylor
Margie Taylor
Peter Thompson
Stuart Thompson
John Tiernan
Paul Tipton
Bernard Touati
Martin Trope
Skip Truitt
Andrea Ubhi
Cemal Ucer
Lorenzo Vanini
Amit Varsani
Manny Vasant
Monik Vasant
Sunita Verma
Damien Walmsley
Lynn Walters
Mike Warburton
Peter Ward
Gordon Watkins
Derek Watson
Jerry Watson
Michael Watson
Tim Watson
Julian Webber
John Whitworth
Mark Willings
Derrick Willmot
David Wilson
Nairn Wilson
David Winkler
Michael Wise
Ian Wood
Michael Zybutz
The Top 50 roll call of winners
2006: Kevin Lewis
2007: Kevin Lewis
2008: Kevin Lewis
2009: Eddie Crouch
2010: Edward Lynch
2011: James Goolnik
2012: James Goolnik
Here’s a quick reminder of where your votes went in 2012:
1. James Goolnik
2. Kevin lewis
3. Russ Ladwa
4. Liz Kay
5. Mhari Coxon
6. Matthew perkins
7. Philip Lewis
8. Nilesh Parmar
9. Tony Jacobs
10. Christopher Orr
11. Elaine Halley
12. Linda Greenwall
13. Anoop Maini
14. Seema Sharma
15. Barry Cockcroft
16. Edward Lynch
17. Paul Tipton
18. Chris Barrow
19. Wakkas khan
20. Lord Howe
21. David Cameron
22. Kevin Rose
23. Nik Sisodia
24. Quentin Skinner
25. Tif Qureshi
26. Jason Smithson
27. Stewart Harding
28.Roy Higson
29. Steve Moulder
30. Michael Wise
31. Ian Benington
32. Sue Gregory
33. Judith Husband
34. Julian English
35. Wyman Chan
36. Roger Matthews
37. Stephen Hancocks
38. Julian Webber
39. Eddie Crouch
40. Arjun Kachhala
41. Sia Mirfendereski
42. Malcolm Grant
43. Manny Vasant
44. Nick Ledingham
45. Rupert Hoppenbrouwers
46. Crispian Scully
47. Davis Winkler
48. Steve Jones
49. Susie Sanderson
50. Tony Kilcoyne