Polly Bhambra

Polly Bhambra

Author at Dentistry Online

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Reflecting on 2024: progress and milestones in dentistry

Polly Bhambra reflects on different moments from an eventful year in dentistry and her goals for the coming year. As 2024 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the dental profession’s pivotal moments this year. It has been a year of growth, resilience, and innovation, underscoring the immense dedication of dental professionals to…

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How to empower dental nurses through collaboration

Could we use dental nurses as a conduit between professionals in practice, asks Polly Bhambra. In today’s healthcare world, dental professionals are doing more than ever before, working closely with other healthcare workers to take better care of patients. As leaders in dental practices, we understand that working well together, or inter-professional collaboration (IPC), is…

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The unsung heroes: addressing the challenges facing dental nursing

Polly Bhambra highlights the importance of dental nurses and explains what the profession can do to make them feel valued. The dental profession has witnessed significant transformations over the years, evolving with technological advancements and shifting patient expectations. However, amidst these changes, one aspect remains constant – the pivotal role of dental nurses. As both…

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