Kevin Lewis

Kevin Lewis

Author at Dentistry Online

Consultant editor of Dentistry
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Kevin Lewis: ‘Enough is enough’

Discussing the state of NHS dentistry, Kevin Lewis ponders the relative merits of too much, too little, and things we are told too often. Fifty years ago, the Japanese engineering and manufacturing boom was at its height in many industries and the revolutionary ‘just in time’ (JIT) production and supply chain concept made famous by…

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Kevin Lewis: Blind spots and unlevel playing fields

The law of unintended consequences is alive and well, Kevin Lewis discovers, as he explores the complexities surrounding the proposed reforms to ease the NHS dental workforce crisis. It is blindingly obvious that no government (of any complexion and whether central or devolved) can hope to resolve the current NHS dental access crisis without a…

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The question of controlling the frequency of dental attendance

Kevin Lewis examines why patients, dentists and the government all want to control the frequency of attendance. ‘Do you come here often?’ Probably not the most original chat-up line, I grant you, but a question which keeps cropping up in discussions about the delivery of primary care dentistry. I participated in a lecture series 35…

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Kevin Lewis – an exercise in recycling

Kevin Lewis discovers that, in NHS dentistry, new ideas and new solutions appear to be in very short supply. The government’s green credentials may be in a state of flux – especially after its better-than-expected outcome in the recent Uxbridge and Ruislip by-election – and Labour is clearly bristling at the one that got away…

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Kevin Lewis – woke-up call

Kevin Lewis is excited to discover that he has a pronoun and a noun, and heads off in search of things that he can be offended by. I was sitting on a train a few months ago, and my ears pricked up at the mention of the word ‘dentist’ emanating from the seats behind me. …

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Kevin Lewis – musical chairs and moving targets

Kevin Lewis explains why recent seismic events in Westminster have been overshadowing subtle changes happening behind the scenes. When somebody finally writes the book describing the events in British politics over the last few months, it’s going to be a struggle to decide whether it belongs on the ‘fiction’ or ‘non-fiction’ shelves. While it’s true…

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Kevin Lewis – heavy metal

In the 1960s – 1980s, the NHS system actively encouraged dentists to save and restore teeth, thereby creating today’s ‘heavy metal’ generation, explains Kevin Lewis. Yet the NHS is conveniently ignoring its ongoing responsibility to these patients, and abandoning them to an uncertain future. Something was stirring in the 1960s and 70s, which is still…

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