Ibrahim Numan

Ibrahim Numan

Author at Dentistry Online

Posted in Posts

Why everyone wins when you utilise dental therapists

Ibrahim Numan discusses how underutilised dental therapists are impacting the industry and how to use them to their full scope of practice. How big is the issue of dental therapists not being used to their full potential in the UK? Huge! I’m very passionate about dental therapists being utilised in practice and it’s something I…

Posted in Posts

‘Life can be unpredictable’ – dental therapist calls for GDC changes

Dental therapist Ibrahim Numan discusses why change to GDC regulation is needed to protect the profession and prevent unnecessary registration removals. We all know how small the ‘dental world’ is. If you do not know someone who has been removed from the register for administrative issues such as late annual retention fee (ARF) payments or…

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