Charlotte Leigh

Charlotte Leigh

Author at Dentistry Online

Posted in Posts

Stop Snoring Week – a guide to screening and treating snoring

This Stop Snoring Week, Charlotte Leigh discusses what causes snoring and how dental professionals are uniquely placed to screen and treat it. A good nights sleep is crucial. Snoring and sleep related breathing disorders disrupt sleep for the patient and the whole family. Snoring is part of the group of sleep related breathing disorders with…

Posted in Posts

Are we sleep walking into disaster?

Charlotte Leigh discusses the dangers of undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea, and why dentists are uniquely placed to screen and treat it. If you could save your patients’ lives, you would, wouldn’t you? I am Charlotte Leigh and I graduated from the University of Leeds 2012 and work in general practice at Montagu Dental. I completed…

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